Time to Build Bonds

Teachers are not parents,
but they spend a good portion of time
with the students in school.
Sometimes they know children better
than their own parents.

Gaining Trust Strategies

Every September in schools is like a gloomy Monday after a nice and relaxing weekend. This is the best time for any teacher to get to know and build bonds with the new students and parents. It requires tonnes of energy, but it will repaid through your students’ love, their academic progresses and parents’ gratitude. If you work a bit harder in September then the rest of the school year would be just like a summer vacation. For some teachers, no matter how long they are working in the field, the month of September is still a relaxing Summer time. However, the rest of the year is usually quite stressful for them because they have missed a great chance to build social bonds with the children and their parents on time. Gaining trust is not an easy task.

Strategies for teachers


  • Have a little biographic information about yourself visible for the parents, so they would understand that you are skillful and knowledgeable person, just the right teacher for their child.
  • Communicate with the parents, when it is possible, in a professional manner: tell them about their children’s progress, their skills, show some art work, etc.
  • Share some easy teaching strategies with them: name of the song, book that they can find via Internet.
  • Acknowledge that children do have screen time at home: recommend parents quality YouTube channels with songs, read alouds, art activities, etc.


  • Play with your children, join their games and/or organize your own.
  • Teach them how to play toys that are available in the classroom centers.
  • Appreciate their work, ideas, and questions.
  • Do not humiliate children, laugh at or confuse them in front of others.
  • Treat your children respectfully so they can trust you and would likely listen to you.
  • Be polite to them, teach them how to ask questions politely, how to greet one another and wish something nice.
  • Treat your children with fairness: in a situation when two children are involved, talk to both of them and explain who is wrong or right, and what should be done.

Explore a September calendars for toddlers, 3-K and Pre-K!

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