Natural teaching talent? High Education?
Excellent communicative skills? High Moral Values?

A good teacher needs all these qualities and yet something else…

The teacher is no longer merely the-one-who-teaches, but one who is himself taught in dialogue with the students, who in turn while being taught also teach.

Paulo Freire “Pedagogy of Oppressed”

Freire’s idea is perfectly defined but in practice it is very difficult to apply in modern society where children should be highly stimulated in order to listen and learn. Again, the role of the teacher is becoming even more complicated: you should have a high level of adaptability, patience, and hardworking, constantly analyze the teaching strategies, and learn from those who you teach.

In fact, people do have certain natural inclinations and interests toward teaching. Beside that, college education provides deep psychological insights to child development, demonstrates significance of early interventions, and language development. However, all your degrees, talents, and skills are not counted if you do not have active teaching experience. This type of experience correlates with Paulo Freire’s work. You teach and learn at the same time.

If you have dozens of years of teaching and you are an honored teacher of the school community, it does not mean that you may relax and teach the same things the same way as it has been taught 20 years ago. Modern times and modern generation dictate new methods.

My active teaching experience and personal educational philosophy help me understand the individual differences in young children. I integrate astrological perspective when searching and implementing teaching strategies. The essential role of teachers, as well as parents, is to see the true child’s potential and allow it to bloom! Astrology is a wonderful tool that can show children’s strengths and weaknesses.

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