Payments, Discounts, Price Rates & Schedule

15% off the first monthly payment.
If you need more than 4 lessons per month,
you will get 10% off for each extra lesson!

Please, click here to read our Privacy Policy and Terms & Conditions.

Price Rates

School GradeK – 12 – 5
Price per lesson$60$80
  • Your children will be receiving one-on-one instructions & attention, learning & practicing subjects that they are interested in most and/or need to have improved at school.
  • 1 hour of planning & preparing an individual lesson in a format of PowerPoint Presentation
  • 1 hour of online session via Zoom
  • A copy of the lesson in a secured .PDF format will be sent to your e-mail after the session with the teacher’s feedback

Registration Procedure & Schedule

  • Download and fill out the “Parental Consent“. Scan it (no photographs) and send to:
  • Complete the registration form online, a copy of the form is automatically sent to your email after submission
  • Lessons can be scheduled once or twice per week including weekends
  • Flexible hours during the week (USA, Eastern Standard Time)

  • Pay via PayPal
  • The online sessions begin after the payment is received
  • Learner Nook invoices will be sent to your email after the payment is received, so it is imperative to provide us with your valid e-mail address. To avoid missing any of our messages, check your SPAM folder and SPAM filters settings; add our email to your Contacts list.
  • If you cannot attend a scheduled session, then you must contact at least 1 hour in advance
  • Any missed sessions are automatically moved to the next month as credits

  • The Zoom link will be sent to your e-mail after registration is complete
  • Join the Zoom for each online session, lesson duration is 1 hour (60 minutes)
  • Evaluation meeting (required) is free, its duration is approximately 20 minutes, scheduled separately

Comments & Questions
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