Writing Tutoring for College Students

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Good writing abilities are some of the most valuable skills of all times that make your college studying effective and successful! You need to complete an essay or a presentation for your class, fill out the registration form.

Type of WorkEssayPresentation
1 page of proofreading$30$15
1 page of writing/content creation$40$30
  • Complete & submit the registration form online
    • A copy of the registration form is automatically sent to your email after submission
    • If you have a written text or any pertaining documents (up to 10 files of articles, images), you may attach it to the registration form
    • If you have more than 10 files, you may send them to nook001@bestmail.us
    • Please, do not submit photographed text for proofreading
    • You must be at least 18 years or older in order to submit the application
  • Within 1 business day you will receive an invoice with amount due
  • Pay via PayPal
  • Please, allow reasonable time for completion of your projects. No super urgent last minute requests.
  • The resulting fee depends on the number of pages, which is commonly measured as the one that contains about 250 English words.
  • Make sure that all your submitted materials do not contain any of your and other parties strictly private and sensitive information
  • Any submitted materials deemed to be unlawful or in any other reasonable way objectionable, damaging or defamatory by their nature will be declined
  • The estimated time frame for completion of an essay can be established after the initial material is submitted
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